Computer Network: “Analyzed Techniques for Measuring, Presenting and Interpreting the Different Properties for Remote Computer Network Administration”
Devajit Mahanta1, Majidul Ahmed2
1Mr. Devajit Mahanta, Department of Computer science, Nalbari College, Assam, India.
2Dr. Majidul Ahmed, Department of Information Technology, Gauhati Commerce College, Assam, India.

Manuscript received on January 10, 2013. | Revised Manuscript Received on January 21, 2013. | Manuscript published on January 20, 2013. | PP: 30-50 | Volume-1, Issue-2, January 2013. | Retrieval Number: B0123011213/2013©BEIESP
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© The Authors. Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Abstract: Computer networking is the connecting of two or more computers that allows them to share resources. It can be done between computers in a home, in a business, across a corporation, and even internationally. It can equally be defined as a method of connecting two or more computer systems together including printers and other devices. The benefits of networking are considerable, even on a network of only three systems. In computer networking there was never a truer statement than that this is a case of advantages experienced being far greater than the sum of the parts. Modern computer networks have gone from typically being a small local area network, to wide area networks, where users and servers are interconnected with each other from all over the world. This development has gradually expanded as bandwidth has become higher and cheaper. But when dealing with the network traffic, bandwidth is only one of the important properties. Delay, jitter and reliability are also important properties for the quality of network connection. This is because different applications has different needs, and therefore require different properties from the network. System administrators are in an increasing degree involved with the troubleshooting of solving network problems concerning the quality of service for the different applications. This study analyzed techniques for measuring, analyzing, presenting and interpreting the different properties for the administration of remote computer network. In this way system administrators can benefit from this thesis when administrating their remote computer networks.
Keywords: Computer networking, bandwidth, System administrators, remote computer network, network traffic.